Legalink Academy 2019


27.05.2021 14:34

Legalink Academy 2019

In April 2019, Mgr. Jakub Hron represented Felix a spol. at the 2019 „Legalink Academy conference“. This annual meeting is organized for young lawyers working in the Legalink law firms. „Legalink“ associates major law offices across continents.

“Legalink Academy is a great opportunity to meet colleagues with whom we normally only meet online when working on transactions for our clients. The conference aims not only at formation of professional contacts and ties, but also covers such topics as economic globalization, online provision of services and their implications, and benefits for the legal environment“, said Jakub upon his return from Cyprus.

This year’s conference was attended by delegates mainly from Europe, but also from the United States, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. It is through personal contacts that we are able offer our clients quick and effective legal advice almost anywhere in the world.