“Recast” of the laborator code


31.05.2021 11:54

“Recast” of the laborator code

The Labor Code has been traditionally the object of amending efforts by the legislator. Less than two years after the recast of private law, in particular the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, another extensive and conceptual recast is in the pipeline and close to completion. This time, it is the recast of labor and employment laws the objective of which is to modify some long-standing notions of labor laws, such as paid leave, transfer to another position and contracts for work outside employment (contract for performance of work and contract for repeated work activity). In addition, new, detailed rules and new notions are added (home office, top management staff, etc.). There are also a few instances where existing possibilities are to be repealed (e.g. labor arbitration).

The progress of legislative work, general political support and the essentially approving attitude of social partners suggest that the draft amendment of the Labor Code will be presented as a government bill to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic by the end of this year, and that the bill to amend the Labor Code will eventually pass, though one cannot predict what will be its final form and shape.

Given the extent of the changes and their nature and given the fact that some changes will undoubtedly also affect software used by accountants and HR managers, it is certainly desirable to pay attention to the upcoming changes well in advance.