dětem šanci (Let´s Give Children a Chance) Pro Bono – collaboration with the „Pomoz mi do života“ (“Help Me Start in Life”) project under the organization Dejme dětem šanci (Let´s Give Children a Chance)


31.05.2021 11:21

dětem šanci (Let´s Give Children a Chance) Pro Bono – collaboration with the „Pomoz mi do života“ (“Help Me Start in Life”) project under the organization Dejme dětem šanci (Let´s Give Children a Chance)

As part of its PRO BONO activities, our law firm began working with the non-profit organization Let´s Give Children a Chance (Dejme dětem šanci), specifically on the project “Help Me Start in Life” (Pomoz mi do života)“. As part of the conference Human Capital 2017 (Lidský kapitál 2017) our firm will support this project with a sum which participants will compete for at our stand. We look forward to your visit with us in the lobby outside the conference hall.

The project „Pomoz mi do života“ (“Help Me Start in Life”) – Supporting children´s education The purpose of this project is to facilitate an easier life for children and young adults growing up in children´s homes by preparing them for future jobs, teaching them independence, and enhancing their personal development. The ultimate goal is to give these children a chance to study a discipline of their choice and obtain skills which position them well on the labor market. In addition, they can benefit from longer residency in a children´s home and only leave it as independent and well prepared adults. This program focuses on children who finished their elementary education and who are about to choose high schools or vocational training. Unfortunately in many cases, children´s homes can´t ensure adequate conditions for children to prepare for their future professions. The chance that children will finish their studies in a field that they chose is much greater that if they study subjects they aren´t interested in. If a child gets a chance to study or work in a field in which he or she feels fulfilled, he or she also becomes more capable of successfully integrating into society and becoming fully independent.